Sonoma Shanty Plans


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Tiny Bunkhouse Plans. This 64 square foot, 8′ x 8′ bunkhouse also includes an additional 4′ x 8′ front porch. In his plans, Joe walks you step by step through the process of building the bunkhouse via pictures and a short explanation.


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I have to say I am rather impressed with the plans, the ability to mix the ease of construction and functionality in this design is really pretty amazing. For example, using the 12/12 roof provides simple construction and yields sufficient loft space. You?ve also eliminated the need for a birdsmouth. These are all things a person new to construction would likely mess up. For those of us who have previously built such things, the elimination and simplification of these add significant time savings, less room for error and waste, and ease of assembly. I am very satisfied with the plans. -Nick

  • Total payment
  • 1xSonoma Shanty Plans$37

All prices in USD

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